What is holistic life coaching and how can it help me?

Coaching is a blend of various psychological approaches which include self-help, personal growth, positive psychology and neuro-linguistic programming. A coach aims to help their clients reach a deeper life fulfillment and sense of personal satisfaction: to achieve greater heights in their personal or professional lives where they have not been able, or don’t know how to achieve on their own.

The idea behind the word “holistic” is that the whole is more than merely the sum of its parts, in theory, or practice: medicine, psychology, philosophy.

With holistic life coaching, the transformation is happening in the mind, in the body, and spirit. It helps you to evaluate all the dimensions of your life as they are intricately connected.

We exist physically with our body, mentally with our thoughts and emotions, as well as energetically. We are a whole, made up of different aspects and areas which have to be considered as an indivisible entity to be kept in balance.

We are multi-layered beings.

One imbalance formed in one area can negatively impact another dimension of our being and generate dysfunctions such as fear, anxiety or stress.

Often, we are driven by old limiting beliefs; ideas and values which were ingrained into our brain at a young age and keep on chasing us with thoughts in the back of our mind such as: “you should do this” or “you shouldn’t feel like that…” 

Stress is not a normal state of being.

Stress together with lifestyle choices, are responsible for 70% of our diseases. Yet, it is nowadays normalised, particularly in the workplace.

It makes us lose track of who we are, what we want, and creates chaos in our mind and our life direction.

Source of many emotional, physical, and mental imbalances, it impacts all the dimensions of our lives: our relations, the way we eat, our energy levels, and simply our health!

How can holistic life coaching help me?

A holistic life coach is someone who is going to help you go the extra mile for yourself, take action, clarify your intentions, goals and support you in operating the change you want to see happening in your life. 

When I work with my clients I see them as a whole. I help them to understand and apprehend all the aspects of their life. An imbalance in one area (ex. work) can affect your health, emotions, interpersonal relationships and create stress and obstacles that prevent you from being happy, motivated, or moving forward. 

I use different practices such as mindfulness, reflection exercises, thought-provoking questions, Reiki energy healing, and mind-body work to accompany you to find your answers, and implement a strategy that is going to help you go the direction you want to go.

This work can be done individually in 1-on-1 sessions, live group coaching sessions, or at your own pace with dedicated programs.

I support you to live in your own skin by creating the life you want to have: happier, more purposeful, healthier. I act as a facilitator, a guide who helps you to unlock blocked emotions, understand modern stress and put you on your self-discovery journey.


Manage your stress better: take that break.