
5 easy and powerful ways to reduce stress sustainably
Johanna Melchiorre Johanna Melchiorre

5 easy and powerful ways to reduce stress sustainably

In this fast-paced, modern world of 24/7 availability, it is not surprising that a growing number of us feel stressed out. Stress is a natural part of life; some amount of stress can even be helpful. The tricky thing about stress is that we have to keep adjusting the way we manage it regularly because our body acclimates to those new stressors we face regardless of their impact. It is automatic.

So how can we create ways to manage stress sustainably? How can I reduce stress without losing my sense of self-discipline?

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Modern stress: status, social media, and disconnection.
Johanna Melchiorre Johanna Melchiorre

Modern stress: status, social media, and disconnection.

Today, when we fear we are not facing a lion. It can be a difficult conversation, a heated up email, a bad comment on social media, feeling not having enough time, not being able to make a decision, disease, financial issues that activate what we call “the stress response.” When we are facing those situations, our body believes we are under attack, and sends out the same signals to the body as our beloved ancestors.

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